

Why we need Measure NN

We face a public safety crisis in Oakland – our community must come together to improve 911 response times and reduce crime and gun violence.

We cannot wait.

Measure NN was developed by a coalition of Oakland community leaders, small businesses, doctors, public health experts, firefighters and first responders. They carefully drafted a balanced, smart-on-crime measure and bypassed City Council by collecting signatures to bring Measure NN to the ballot through a citizen’s initiative.

That’s right - 37,800 Oakland voters signed to support Measure NN and place it on the ballot.

Measure NN improves public safety in Oakland by renewing and enhancing an existing public safety measure. It's a data-driven, balanced and comprehensive plan that will focus on reduction of crime, gun violence and human trafficking through supporting more community police officers, first responders, proven violence prevention programs and programs for vulnerable youth.

Specific investments include:

  • Increased emergency and first responder investments to improve 911 response times in every neighborhood.
  • Additional community police officers
  • Enhanced intervention programs like Ceasefire to reduce gun violence and focus on violent crime, robberies, and break-ins.
  • Proven community-based programs that keep our youth out of jail and off the streets, including job training, high school graduation assistance and mental health services.

Measure NN requires important safeguards to ensure funds are spent responsibly, including public financial audits and a Citizen’s Planning and Oversight Commission comprised of residents and subject-area experts with authority to review how funds are spent to hold the City accountable.

Measure NN must pass. If not, we will lose funding for community police officers, proven youth programs, and critical emergency response.

Join our coalition of Oakland neighbors, small businesses, doctors, public health professionals, and community leaders. Together, let’s make Oakland safer - please, vote YES on Measure NN.

s/ Dr. Joseph Griffin, Executive Director, Youth ALIVE!
s/ Seth Olyer, Vice President, Oakland Firefighters
s/ Dr. Noha Aboelata, MD, CEO, Roots Community Health
s/ Jayson Landeza, Father, St. Benedict Church
s/ Angela Tsay, Creative Director, Oaklandish